Off leash doggie hike training

Paparazzi is now over a year old and just started our off leash dog training adventures in the forests of Vermont! He is loving the freedom and doing so well listening to our calls and staying together. He has been such a great addition to our homeschool and adventure family!

Create special time together ❤️

We are back at one of our favorite mommy and daughter destinations for some nature, sand and time together just my amazing 8 year old daughter and me. These years are flying by and I just want to freeze time for just a bit. With a full house of 4 kids and their buddies, 2 guinea pigs, 9 chickens and the business of unschooling and homeschooling it is great to take some time away and simply enjoy with one kiddo at a time.

Feeling like real Vermont lately

This is the time of year when even the hearty Vermonter types start to look towards spring…post mud-season spring. Thanks to our unschooling family’s love of winter sports, we have been having a blast getting out to the mountain to telemark, cross country ski or snowboard whenever we can. Truly enjoying the seasons and being present each day with what nature is gives me a more positive and happy outlook on what used to be tough winters for this native Californian mama! Embrace that weather – get the vitamin D even if it is screened out by massive cloudy days and walk, hike, snowboard or snowshoe with your kids, dog or favorite music.


Hi, my name is Erin, I am Civil Engineer turned Unschooling Mama of 4 wildlings based in the Green Mountain State of Vermont, USA. Our family loves to learn and explore by camping, roadschooling, living life, PC gaming, inventing, snowboarding, nordic skiing, telemark skiing, paddle boarding, hiking, raising backyard chickens and snuggling our rescue pup Paparazzi and guinea pigs Coco and Teddy. There are so many ways to live and learn. We embrace everything from radical unschooling to structured classes when it is independently chosen by the learner. If you are awake – you are learning! Enjoy the fun and embrace the freedom to choose to learn your way!

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